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WhatsApp Image 2020-11-09 at 4.53.34 PM.

credits - Siva Sai/ In the same river 


Check out our previous Grant Winners

2020 - Divya Cowasji

2019 - Siva Sai Jeevanatham

The IPF Grant recipient will receive INR 2,00,000 for the production of the proposed project. The winner will also get to exhibit and present their work at the festival’s 2021 edition. They will have access to workshops and portfolio reviews at the 2021 edition and possible opportunities for exhibition at partner photo festivals across the world.




The grant is open to both professional and emerging Indian photographers over 18 years of age. Applicants should be able to demonstrate a proven ability to produce cohesive long-form documentary or photojournalistic essays with strong imagery. The proposed project should be an ongoing one and not have won more than INR 1,00,000 in support from other grants and/or awards in the previous calendar year. 

How to apply:


There is no application fee for the grant. Each photographer may apply with only one proposal.

Applicants are required to submit the following details using the online form here . Please do not email us any applications.

Last date for application is Jan 5th 2021


  • Project statement (300-500 words).

  • Bio (150-200 words).

  • A private or public link to an earlier body of work of 15-30 images with captions.

  • A private or public link to 15-30 images from the proposed project with captions.

  • Budget proposal detailing how the grant money will be put to use. Please note the grant amount cannot be used to purchase new camera equipment or towards the production of a book/exhibition. We encourage photographers to budget for some honorarium as well. 


Incomplete applications will be rejected. Email us at for any questions.


The Fine Print:


The duration of the grant is ten months from the date of announcement of the recipient. The recipient is expected to submit 30 images at the end of the grant period, of which at least 20 images must have been produced during the grant period.


The photographer receives INR 75,000 immediately upon the announcement of the grant, INR 50,000 upon mid-term review to the satisfaction of the jury and the final INR 75,000 upon submitting the final set of 40 images. The recipient shall be responsible for any tax liability arising from acceptance of the grant.


The recipient keeps all copyright to work produced with the grant’s support, but agrees to credit the grant in any online/print publication, exhibition or social media posts for a duration of one year following the end of the grant period. 


The recipient also agrees to not publish or exhibit the images from the project during the grant period, before the exhibition at the festival’s 2021 edition. This includes any online and social media publications. They may however post updates from the field on their social media channels, mentioning/tagging the IPF handles on the respective platforms.


Providing false or misleading info during the application cycle and failure to abide by the grant’s conditions will lead to immediate termination of our association with the recipient and withdrawal of all support. 


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